Sashiko stenciled cloth with assorted traditional patterns. Follow the stenciled lines on the fabric, and then wash to reveal your sashiko stitches.
※DO NOT wash or iron before stitching. The lines will be washed off.
【 Details 】
-Fabric size : Approx. 37cm × 84cm
-Finished size : Approx. 32cm × 37cm (when doubled)
-Pattern : 6-7patterns in one
-Fabric color : White
-100% cotton
-Made in Japan
【 Designs 】
01 亀甲(Kikkou) - Tortoiseshell -
① 麻の葉 (Asanoha)
② 方眼刺し (Hougan sashi)
③ 輪違い麻の葉 (Wachigai Asanoha)
④ 十字花刺し (Jyuji Hana sashi)
⑤ 亀甲花刺し (Kikkou Hana sashi)
⑥ つづき山形 (Tsuzuki Yamagata)
⑦ 米刺し (Kome sashi)
02 扇(Osugi) - Fan -
① 七宝つなぎ (Shippo tsunagi)
② 籠目 (Kagome)
③ 花十字 (Hana Jyuji)
④ 格子 (Koushi)
⑤ 十字花刺し (Jyuji Hana sashi)
⑥ 鳥襷 (Tori Dasuki)
03 菱形(Hishigata) - Rhombus -
① 花亀甲 (Hana Kikkou)
② 花刺し (Hana sashi)
③ 柿の花 (Kakinohana)
④ 七宝つなぎ (Shippo tsunagi)
⑤ 網代 (Ajiro)
⑥ 二重籠目 (Nijyu Kagome)
04 縞 (Shima) - Stripe -
① 花刺し (Hana sashi)
② 松皮菱 (Matsukawa Hishi)
③ 矢羽根 (Yabane)
④ 麻の葉 (Asanoha)
⑤ 籠目 (Kagome)
⑥ 銭形刺し (Zenigata sashi)
05 七宝 (Shippo) - Seven treasures-
① 麻の葉 (Asanoha)
② 角七宝 (Kaku Shippo)
③ 米刺し (Kome sashi)
④ 十時花刺し (Jyuji-Hanasashi)
⑤ 花あそび (Hana asobi)
⑥ 菱青海波 (Hishi Seigaiha)
【How to prepare the fabric】
I have some tutorial videos on how to prepare the fabric before stitching sashiko.
Visit my website to see the videos↓
※ NOTE : Ensure you are aware of any customs charges that may be incurred by authorities in your country. SASHIKO.LAB is not responsible.